• Agenda Urbana
    Agenda Urbana
    Building a new Lalín

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The Lalín Urban Agenda is our roadmap towards a more sustainable, equitable, prosperous and innovative future. A guide to boost the development of Lalín and the quality of life of its inhabitants, with a view to the year 2030.

The Spanish Urban Agenda framework

The City Council has promoted the development of the Urban Agenda of Lalín, within the framework of the Spanish Urban Agenda, as a pilot project of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, with the aim of making our city council a benchmark for other municipalities with similar characteristics throughout the country.
The Spanish Urban Agenda is the reference that inspires the actions to be developed, so that they are coherent and sustainable, in accordance with the criteria established in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in the New Urban Agenda of the United Nations and in the Urban Agenda for the European Union.

Agenda Urbana

Agenda Urbana

A shared vision

In order to build the future of Lalín that we all want, the collaboration and involvement of citizens is essential. To this purpose, a constant contact channel was set up through which citizens sent us their contributions, as well as a specific questionnaire focused on the Action Plan of the Urban Agenda of Lalín, which included the actions and projects that will allow us to move forward between now and 2030.
In addition, it will help us to obtain funding from other administrations to promote the development of Lalín. At the end of the road, we hope to build an active and lively municipality, in the privileged natural and scenic setting we enjoy.




The strategic objectives are:

Phases of the project

The Lalín Urban Agenda has been developed in four successive phases, in accordance with the methodology proposed by the Spanish Urban Agenda.


Action Plan

In this phase, the ideas, actions and projects that were later included in the Action Plan of the Lalín Urban Agenda were defined. These have different degrees of concreteness, given that the Action Plan has to be a living document, integrating from very advanced projects in terms of their definition or execution, to less defined proposals that can be opportunities for the future.


Monitoring and evaluation system

The Lalín Action Plan must be able to adapt to new circumstances that the future may bring. A Monitoring and Evaluation System based on indicators allows measuring the degree of implementation of the Action Plan and facilitates the adoption of corrective measures, if necessary.


Strategic diagnosis

This first phase developed a Strategic Diagnosis document that gathered the starting point of Lalín with respect to the strategic objectives set out in the Spanish Urban Agenda.


Strategic framework

Taking the strategic objectives of the Spanish Urban Agenda as a reference, Lalín established its own challenges and priority objectives with the aim of laying the foundations for the future development and transformation of the municipality with a 2030 horizon.



NEXT Generation UE

NextGenerationEU is more than a recovery plan: it is a unique opportunity to emerge stronger from the pandemic, transform our economies and societies, and design a Europe that works for all.
On 21 July 2020, the European Council agreed on a temporary exceptional recovery instrument for an amount of €750 billion. The Recovery Fund ensures a coordinated European response with Member States to address the economic and social consequences of the pandemic.

Agenda Urbana

Agenda Urbana

Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) is the core of the Recovery Fund and is endowed with EUR 672.5 billion, of which EUR 360 billion will be in the form of loans and EUR 312.5 billion as non-refundable transfers.
It aims to support investment and reforms in Member States to achieve a sustainable and resilient recovery, while promoting the EU's green and digital priorities.

Spanish Urban Agenda

The Spanish Urban Agenda, taken into consideration by the Council of Ministers on 22 February 2019, is the roadmap that will set out the strategy and actions to be carried out until 2030 to make our towns and cities friendly, welcoming, healthy and aware areas of coexistence.
It provides tools so that all public and private actors involved in cities and seeking equitable, fair and sustainable development from their different fields of action can draw up their own Action Plans.

Agenda Urbana
Agenda Urbana